
Treatment & Therapy


Teenagers are well known for their roller-coaster emotions and impulsivity, caused by everything from hormones and body changes to identity issues and peer pressure. Since these behaviors are typical for teenagers, how can you tell if your teenager is simply going through the normal throes of their teen years or is actually suffering from a psychiatric disorder such as Borderline Personality Disorder?

Children can often be as affected by Borderline Personality Disorder as the parent diagnosed with the psychiatric disorder. Children of parents with BPD must learn to tolerate the often complex symptoms of BPD and navigate possible BPD treatment options. The first step to helping a parent get needed Borderline Personality Disorder treatment is to determine if your parent actually has BPD.

Going through Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) treatment can be a long and often difficult process. Successful BPD treatment means targeting the symptoms of BPD and finding ways to better manage them, which often means a long-term commitment to recovery. So what happens if, despite your commitment to your BPD treatment, you experience a relapse of your Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms?